Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Something that is still there in the Bucket

When I begin to write about a  particular place in the Bucket it must excite the old neurons and I find myself  suddenly recalling new details.  I am not always sure if they are trustworthy

They usually do have some basis in fact.
 So today I was recalling the allure of the Barrel Yard. After I made our ritualistic trip to Salvation Army on Central Avenue  to  give them the fruit of yesterday's excavation  of the patio storage with Mikey,Yash wanted lunch.  So I swung by Wendy's and got two burgers and no meal. Then drove to find my favorite spot right next to the falls in the Pawtucket Country Club Parking lot --open and pretty empty.
It is a sunny day and I could see the waters splashing below the falls and hear that  murmur of the river- so soothing.
After we finished eating , we went into Slater but my mind was  thinking of  checking out the old Dunnel Lane. 
So I swung  right on Newport and then a quick left onto Columbus. I turned left on to RI AVE at  McCoy stadium.  As I cruised by and  reached the intersection with Dunnell Lane,  I turned left.  Then once I was into the  industrial area  I swung left again and

 THERE IT WAS.  Just as I recall and an old sign hung over the office shed and  announced that we were in John Collins Barrells.  I drove in and turned around and there were the bright blue barrels and there were also some large rectangular plastic containers.  I was very happy to see the barrels still there. Towards the back of the  yard the gate was wide and I could drive into another area  that showed that telltale sand  that had once been surrounding Dunnell's Pond and that had been part of the terrain of the backlots.  AND I was glad to see that was not changed.

Driving  away I chose to continue up Dunnell to Prospect and there at the Corner  was a closed Pizza place that stands where Barney Donnelly's store once stood.  He was a bookie that took my father's "ACTION"  And then continuing on Prospect I saw to my left apartments built where  there once stood the Prospect Street School.  I  turned  right down Melrose Avenue and at the foot of Melrose as it T's into Rhode Island on the right was the strange  triangle attached to a tenement that once was  Dick's Variety. No sign of anything commercial there now.

When I got home I Googled Collins Barrells and learned that they have been in business in that spot for more than  a HUNDRED YEARS.

Why does that make me so happy?? So glad to find a still standing witness of the past that haunts me and  attests to the truth of my memory.

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