Sunday, June 28, 2020




AS I  got older and  more educated, some of my  beliefs seemed to b coming into  question by the  things I was learning in  Science classes and Political Theory and History classes.

 ALSO  my own experiences as I saw that I was no longer  the Catholic  conservative that had prayed for Joe McCarthy.  I remember when Joseph Stalin died in 1953 and the nun in the  6th grade asked us all to pray for his soul.
I said "I thought he was bad." AND she said "all the more reason to pray that he receives the Mercy of God. You know he once studied to be a priest--so he could not be all bad."

And those experiences began to enable me to see the mixedness of all things human. No one is  perfectly good or even perfectly bad.  The question is ---how is the state of our souls when we die and must face judgement.

When God manifests spirit through matter, then matter becomes a holy thing. The material world is the place where we can comfortably worship God just by walking on it, loving it, and respecting it. Everything visible, without exception, is the outpouring of God. What else could it really be? The incarnation is not only “God becoming Jesus.” It is a much broader event, which is why John’s Gospel first describes God’s presence in the general word “flesh” (John 1:14). This is the ubiquitous Christ that we continue to encounter in other human beings, in a mountain, a blade of grass, a spider web, or a starling.
When we can enjoy all these things as holy, “the world becomes a communion of subjects more than a collection of objects” as the “geologian” Fr. Thomas Berry (1914–2009) said so wisely. [1]
When we love something, we grant it soul, we see its soul, and we let its soul touch ours. We must love something deeply to know its soul (anima). Before the resonance of love, we are largely blind to the meaning, value, and power of ordinary things to “save” us and help us live in union with the source of all being. In fact, until we can appreciate and even delight in the soul of other things, even trees and animals, we probably haven’t discovered our own souls either. Soul knows soul through love, which is why it’s the great commandment (Matthew 22:36).

AS I  learned more and scientists learned more, I was fascinated by the BIG BANG.
Then confused when it was not embraced in my Theology classes in college.  So I left that college and stuck with the BIG BANG. 
It took me several decades of living and learning and then I came  to my conclusion.
The Big Bang is just another way of saying how GOD managed creation--it is not as if we need to fear SCIENCE--After all GOD is TRUTH -- SO when Science advances and finds out more about our reality, it is just showing us God's work in more detail.

There is no  contradiction between true

 science and true God.

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